Organic agriculture

Organic agriculture

In 2024, 24% of Bordeaux vineyards have obtained the AB label or are under conversion to organic viticulture.

Euro-leaf: the European organic label

The Euro-leaf is easily recognizable with its leaf on a green background, surrounded by stars. It attests to compliance with European regulations established for organic agriculture.

Obtaining this label requires following specifications for organic viticulture, in particular two of its main principles:

  • The vines used to produce the wine must not have been sprayed with any chemical treatments over the course of the last three years (at least).
  • To treat its vineyards organically, a winegrower can choose natural pesticides, such as copper or sulfur. For both elements, maximum doses must not be exceeded, per hectare for copper, and per mg/L for sulfur (also called “sulfites”).

AB: French organic label

What do the two letters of the AB label stand for? Quite simply “agriculture biologique” in French (organic agriculture in English)!

This French label and the Euro-leaf share the same specifications: their two logos can therefore be positioned next to each other on a bottle to attest that it meets the requirements of organic viticulture.

Want to find out more about these two labels and organic wines? Head to the Agence Bio website!