Bordeaux Wines’ Super Bowl Recipes: Sweet Italian Sausage Meatballs
July 25, 2016

Bordeaux Wines’ Super Bowl Recipes: Sweet Italian Sausage Meatballs

While wings are ubiquitous with Super Bowl Sunday, we dare say that meatballs are a more satisfying (and cleaner) alternative to Buffalo wings.

Whether you”re hosting a viewing party this weekend or simply have a hankering for some hearty comfort food, Chef Michael Toscano”s recipe for Sweet Italian Sausage meatballs are sure to satisfy. 

This dish pairs wonderfully with a classic, easy drinking red Bordeaux like Château Robin 2010 from the up and coming appellation of Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux. But, if you”re looking for something a little unexpected, we suggest a white wine pairing from Château de Ricaud 2012. With an average price of $8 dollars a bottle, it”s worth trying! 


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